Our plans to became a publisher

Unleash your game to a broad audience of millions on the internet.

EvoEpic is revolutionizing the way developers interact with new audiences – through images that move to life in browser games. Say goodbye to limiting native platforms; instead, reach scores of players globally and create a stream of income from your works of digital fun!

Propel your game onto the platform in mere moments.

All you need to get your game up is the game files and a cover image.
Kick-off at ground zero
Every journey into gaming kicks off from our homepage. How much users relish immersing themselves in your creation will determine its triumph!

Staying true to the ethos of browser games.

The web browser will always be the coolest place on the block to play games. It's an open medium that allows developers to gain visibility and earn their fair share. We want to keep it that way.
That's why every new game we release gets 48 hours on the homepage, guaranteed. The success of your game depends on how much engagement it gets from our users.
Many of our most successful games come from small and solo game developers. That's what makes the web magic.

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