Noobs Arena Bedwars
Noobs Arena Bedwars, an exciting online game created to simulate Noob warfare on Minecraft servers, lets players enter battle against Noobs on both sides - your character on one side of the battlefield against theirs on the other side! You'll take part in this thrilling online battle as two rival Noobs battle it out across your screen in front of you - one is on one side while one on the other stands as their enemy vying to become Minecraft's ruler! Each character will have his or her own cannon in front of them; at the signal, combat will commence, requiring each hero to calculate and fire shots according to flight paths determined by cannonball trajectory and aim. Accuracy in shooting will result in your cannonball reaching its intended destination and damaging an enemy, reseting their life scale with each cannonshot fired off from you - in doing this you will destroy him or her while earning points in Noobs Arena Bedwars!
Published on 24 Mar 2024
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